23 April 2009

the vanishing point - mary sharratt

mary sharratt || the vanishing point || 2.5/5.0

while searching for a historical fiction to read, one of my book clubs chose this novel last month. we were hoping for a bit of mystery, and a bit of being taken back in time.

sharratt certainly succeeded in painting a picture of tough colonial life, but i was disappointed when the novel took a definite turn toward the romance angle. maybe i'm just turned away by romance novels, but i think her descriptions of passion on home-made bearskin rugs were a bit over the top.

with that exception, i enjoyed the novel. the historic nature kept things interesting, and the mystery kept me guessing. the main characters were strong women, and sharratt succeeds in impressing the complexity of each person. discussion in book club helped round some of the more flat individuals out, as we all related differently to each life.

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