the last week here has been filled with settling in to life in kolonia. i've moved into my house (two roommates), and our group size shrunk when we bid farewell to the outer municipality volunteers. i've also moved into my office at COM (college of micronesia, pohnpei campus). its wildly swank in comparison with the high schools here, and i'm guiltily enjoying the luxuries of daily internet and air conditioning. classes start this coming thursday, so i'm plugging away at lesson planning and syllabus writing -- generally starting to panic about the realities of teaching college classes.
i'm going to try and run a half-marathon here in two weeks' time, so wish me luck! i'm up to eight miles, and if i can quickly beat the cold i feel coming on, i think i may have a shot at finishing. aside from the dogs here, running has been enjoyable here. i go very early in the morning, and its just cool enough. the exercise definitely makes my cold shower incredibly appreciated.
i don't have a street address here - just the po box below. when we set up our phone account, we told the telecom lady it was for "glen harris' third house," and they knew just where to hook things up. its life in a small town, and so far, i like it!
my address, if you want to be a pen-pal (or a package-sending bff). remember that it's domestic us mail rates - so 44 cents will be just fine!:
emily pedneau
c/o worldteach
po box 2378
kolonia, pohnpei
fsm 96941